Plans Underway for International Travel

LCHS Establishes Travel Club

Three international educational tours are being planned for LCHS students in the next sixteen months.

In just a matter of weeks, the LCHS Travel Club, under the direction of Principal Derek Lambert, will travel to Iceland to tour various locations.

Ten LCHS students will be among the first to do international travel, at the school level, since Mrs. Jena Whiston coordinated a trip to England.   The students did a number of fund-raising projects to help offset the cost of the trip.

In the upcoming year, FFA and Theater students will make two separate trips to Europe.

FFA will travel to Italy to tour food-producing regions and learn about agriculture and international farming.  Mrs. Dianna Garrett, FFA adviser, is in charge of the trip.

Theater students will go to London, England to tour and attend theater workshops.  Mr. Doug Seckman, theater teacher, is coordinating the London tour.  Students will tour the Globe Theatre, visit Anne Hathaway’s birthplace and see various London sites.

Some partial scholarships are available for qualifying students.

For more information on international travel see Garrett, Seckman, or Lambert.