What Makes a “Good” Person “Good”?


Nathan Holmes

Mrs. Boone takes time out to explain her definition of a “good” person.

Nathan Holmes, Staff Reporter

When you think of a good person what comes to mind? Someone who is caring? Brave? Or, someone who questions authority? 

What makes a good person good? 

Many students and teachers said often a good person is seen doing compassionate, kind deeds for others.  

“Being kind to animals and old people,” Ms. Michele Allen, English teacher, said. 

“Actions,” Devyn Gay, sophomore, said. 

“Doing the right thing.” Mrs. Debbie Gump, history teacher, said. 

“Things they do,” Rylie Harper, senior, said.  

“A good person is kind and compassionate, Mrs. Susan Thayer, librarian, said. 

Mrs. Christina Lybarger, health teacher, said “Kindness.” 

Others see being good as an internal quality 

“Determined by their actions and intentions of their heart, Mrs. Rachael Boone, Spanish teacher, said.  

Moral code,” Brian Droppleman, sophomore, said. 

“Someone patient, understanding, respectful and honest.” Mr. Hunter McWhorter, history teacher, said.  

“Positive attitude.” Mr T. Rogers, energy and power teacher, said.  

And, a few said it was a combination of both internal and external qualities. 

Humility.” Mrs. Laura Atha, business teacher, said. 

Doing the right thing

— Mrs. Debbie Gump, history teacher