Lettering in Academics

Sky Nichols, Staff Reporter

A new letter enters  LCHS…

That is a letter for lettering in academics.

Previously, only athletes and music students could letter.  Now, the new policy for academic lettering is for students earning 3.7 G.P. A or higher will qualify to earn a letter and can purchase a letterman’s jacket.

The initiative was set forth by the newly implemented Academic Boosters organization.  The school purchased the letters, but the student will be responsible for the jacket and the chevrons.

Students have mixed opinions on the new letter, though most seemed to be supportive or indifferent.

“I like it because I feel that academics are just as important as sports,” Claire Dever, sophomore, said.

“I think it is a good idea for the hard working students. If they are working hard with your school work, you should have the same opportunity as an athlete,” Charlotte Dodson, freshman, said.

Mr. Ben Whetsell agreed. “We put so much emphasis on athletics and that is something that’s an extra curricular letter I think we should put more of an emphasis on academics, if you do well in school then you should feel is if you are part of the extra curricular world as well.”

But on the other hand, Dylan Tallarito, junior, says “I do not like it because I think you should work harder than that for your letter.”

“As an athlete who takes honors classes I do not agree with lettering for academics. I take AP Lang, STEM 3, and honors Chem. I work hard for my A averages. I have homework every night. When basketball starts, I’m going to have to balance school work and being the best athlete I can be,” Alicia Life, junior and student-athlete also said.

Eligibility started at the beginning of this school year and the first letters will be awarded at the conclusion of the this year.
